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Ayurveda originated in India some 5,000 years ago. At the same time philosophy, spirituality, medicine, art of living Ayurveda offers us a path of health where we are responsible for our well-being.
The earliest written records can be found in the Vedas, where the way in which plants are used for therapeutic and liturgical purposes are described. In the Rigveda are mentioned baths and massages. In the wisdom texts we find real details of good manners relating to health. Indian philosophy, like Ayurveda, takes into account all aspects of human life.
Ideally, Ayurveda is there to prevent disease, to maintain good health and to promote the development of everyone in the direction of higher states of consciousness. Yoga and meditation also play an important role in this medicine.
In Ayurvedic philosophy the 5 elements combine in pairs to form 3 dynamic forces called Doshas. Doshas means in Sanskrit "that which changes". Because the doshas dance among themselves as in a harmonious ballet in perpetual movement. Doshas are the primary life forces or biological moods. They are present in every living organism and their dynamics create life.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Vata is the movement, it is the first mood. Its qualities or attributes are: COLD, LIGHT, IRREGULAR, IMMOBILE, SUBTLE, ROUGH. Vata governs the other 2 humors which are incapable of movement without its intervention. It is responsible for organic and physical functions in general. It governs movement, energy, breath, the nervous system and the 5 senses. It regulates the emotional reactions of fear, nervousness, anxiety and pain. It allows mental adaptability and understanding. He is Prana, the basic force that brings energy. Its primary site in the body is in the colon, then in the thighs, hips, ears, bones. These qualities are found in the functioning of the body. Too much vata can cause nerve irritation, high blood pressure, gas and confusion, sluggishness, congestion and constipation.
Pitta is made up of 2 opposing forces, water and fire, which evokes transformation. They cannot transform into each other but modulate and have the vitality necessary for the process of life. Pitta, the transformation represents the enzymes that digest food as well as the hormones that regulate our metabolism. In our mind, Pitta is the force that gives the electrical impulses of thoughts. Too much pitta can cause an ulcer, hormonal imbalances, skin irritations like acne, or anger. Not enough pitta brings about indigestion, poor judgment and slows down the metabolism.
Its location in the body is first, in the small intestine, then, the stomach, sweat, sebaceous glands, blood, lymph and eyes.
Kapha is the balance between water and earth. Kapha is structured and lubricated. It forms the cells that build our organs and the fluids that nourish and protect us. Too much kapha causes excess mucus, blocked sinuses, congestion in the lungs or colon. In the mind, it creates rigidity, fixed ideas, flexibility. A lack of kapha causes dehydration, heartburn due to the lack of lubrication which protects us from acids. Kapha's attributes are: COLD, WET, HEAVY, SOFT, STICKY, SOFT, FIRM
The Kapha site is firstly, in the chest, then, in the throat, head, nose, stomach, pancreas, ribs, lymph, adipose tissue.
The site of the doshas is essential because the doshas always accumulate in their primary site to give rise to the disease process. By treating the primary sites, i.e. the colon, small intestine and stomach as soon as symptoms appear, we can eliminate the root problem.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
In Ayurveda, each of us has a unique mind-body type, known as a dosha. Think of a dosha as your individual blueprint that describes your unique personality, tendencies, and physical nature. Understanding your dosha reveals how to keep yourself in balance to stay happy, healthy and disease free.
By gathering information in this quiz, we’ll give you a breakdown of your specific dosha blend along with personalized practices for mind, body and spirit well-being.