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de la Peau VATA
Peau sèche et rugueuse.
Sensible au temps froid et sec.
Peau Froide.
Pores de la peau plus resserrées.
Plus ridée.
Teint bleuté.

de la Peau PITTA
Surplus de chaleur.
Irritations cutanées.
Excès de sébum.
Acné - Rosacée.

de la Peau KAPHA
Peau grasse et humide.
Froide et plus épaisse.
Pores de la peau dilatée.
Points noirs et excès de sébum.
Sujette à l'acné.

Caractéristiques de
The specificities
Vata-type skin is dry, rough and cold. The pores are tightened and the skin tone bluish. It is sensitive to dry and cold weather, wind, change of weather, especially in winter and with each new season.
People of the Vata type have fine, delicate hair. Healthy, Vata hair is often curly, thin, with a subtle, silky sheen. Tapered, supple and tender, the nails have a noble and elegant appearance.
When the Vata skin is out of balance
During the phases of internal tension, worry or overwork, there is usually a dryness of the mouth and lips, wetness of the palms, abnormal dryness of the rest of the body. When stressful periods are prolonged, it is not uncommon to see cracks, wrinkles and dark spots appear.
Among the other typical symptoms of a disorder linked to an imbalance of Vata, we also note dry and ridged nails, which break or deform easily, hair which loses its shine and becomes difficult to comb ...
In summary: excessive dryness, scaly skin, wrinkles on the forehead, discoloration, dry eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, brittle nails, gnawed or vertical streaks, cracked lips and feet, cold hands and feet, split hair.
A few tips
Avoid stress, lack of sleep, an irregular rhythm of life, foods that are too dry, raw or cold, flavors that are too bitter, pungent or harsh.
Consume Vata infusions, favoring the following plants in particular: fennel, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, orange zest and ginger.
The specificities
Typically, people of the Pitta type have well-vascularized, slightly oily, soft and warm skin. The pores of the skin are enlarged in the middle part and constricted elsewhere. The skin tone is red. It is possible to observe burst capillaries, freckles and moles. Reddish colored spots may appear. Their hair is fine, soft, shiny and silky, often of a light and coppery shade, while tending to gray prematurely. Sensitive, the scalp must be protected from the rays of a too hot sun. The nails, on the other hand, are nicely shaped, tender and a transparent pink. Pitta-type skin is sensitive to high temperatures and weakened during certain periods of life, such as puberty or menopause.
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When Pitta skin is out of balance
When the fire acts too intensely on the body, it releases excess heat, starting with the skin. Inflammation, burning sensation, redness and irritation of the skin, excess sebum, heavy sweating, sensitivity to heat.
In addition, Pitta over-activates hair metabolism, which can lead to hair loss.
In summary: whiteheads, rashes, allergies, burning eyes and feet, acne rosacea, contact dermatitis, burst capillaries, burning eczema, redness, profuse sweating, horizontal streaks on the nails.
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Avoid annoyances, foods that are too spicy, too hot, sour or salty flavors, and alcohol.
Eat a refreshing and balanced diet, for example with lassi (a traditional Indian drink made from fermented milk or yogurt) and ghee.
Consume Pitta infusions, favoring the following plants: saffron, fennel, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves and ginger.
The specificities
In general, people of this type have oily, moist, thick and cold skin. The pores of the skin are enlarged and the tone of the skin is rather yellow. It is common to observe blackheads and excess sebum. White or brown spots may appear. People of this type also have beautiful, vigorous, dense, supple and shiny hair. The nails are also strong, well formed and a lighter color but healthy. As for the gaze, it radiates peace and kindness through large eyes set with long, full lashes, under thick eyebrows. The full and soft lips of people of the Kapha type show great sensitivity.
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When the Kapha skin is out of balance?
The skin becomes oily, even pale and wan. When the disorders are important, the lymphatic circulation becomes blocked and edemas appear. Cold, damp and even slightly sticky skin betrays an excess of Kapha. Typical disorders are sebaceous gland abscesses, abnormal secretions, acne, overproduction of dandruff, subcutaneous yeast infection or vitiligo, a pigmentation disorder characterized by discolored spots. Since Kapha works mostly in the hypodermis, people with excess dosha often have oily hair, dandruff, or suffer from sebaceous gland disorders.
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In summary: excess sebum, juvenile acne, all forms of cysts and fibroids, sluggish, distended skin, double chin, excessive sweating, oozing or itchy eczema, bulging or parrot-beaked nails.
Regularly massage with sesame or corn oil.
Consume Kapha infusions, preferably the following herbs: green tea, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, black pepper and fennel.
Natural assets to favor
Essential oils: bergamot, caraway, coriander, cumin, turmeric, eucalyptus globulus, black spruce, fennel, juniper, ginger, bay laurel, shell marjoram, cloves, parsley, patchouli, myrrh ...
Aromatic hydrosols: basil with linalool, juniper, tea tree, thyme with linalool, peppermint, patchouli, lemon balm ...
The specificities
Tridoshic refers to an equal balance of the Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas. According to Ayurveda , an individual's constitution, known as Prakriti , is determined at the time of conception. Prakriti is made up of a unique ratio of Vata, Pitta, or Kapha, and one or two of these doshas is usually predominant. However, some people are born with an equal balance of the three doshas, known as the tridoshic constitution.
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Although tridoshic refers to a balanced relationship of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, it is not necessarily a natural state of balance for all individuals. In Ayurveda, balance is assessed by looking at a person's Vikriti (current imbalance of doshas) of a person versus their Prakriti (biological makeup.) As such, tridoshic should not be viewed as a goal or a way to achieve balance.
Those with a tridoshic constitution tend to be stable, focused, and at peace with themselves. Their minds tend to be balanced between alert and relaxed, and their bodies are strong and healthy. The imbalance in those with a tridoshic constitution is caused by too much travel or poor diet. This can lead to poor digestion, sleep disturbances, and anxiety.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.